Travel Tips

8 Tips to Help Keep Up with Your Exercise Routine While Traveling

There is no doubt that traveling can wreak havoc with one’s exercise routine. Be it vacation or business travel, packing a small kit and planning for workouts can help keep you on track and motivated. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and get creative with your workouts.

1) Stick to a regular schedule

When at home I enjoy a routine that includes both cardio and resistance training. The latter typically consists of weighted exercises for various body parts repeated weekly. For example, I do legs on Thursdays. If I happen to be traveling on a Thursday, I will try to do some form of leg exercises to replace my usual routine helping me keep to a consistent schedule.

2) Check for and book hotels with a gym

Most hotels today have some form of fitness center even if that consists primarily of a few cardio machines and a rack of dumbbells. Occasionally you may find a universal machine allowing for cable exercises, or a few resistance machines. Even if not, you may find a pool or be in a location with good weather and access to outdoor activities.

3) Join a gym with access to multiple locations

Memberships at some gyms gives you access to use facilities in multiple locations (Golds, LA Fitness and others offer this). While these may take a little extra effort to get to, you’ll be rewarded with a full gym. Many of these facilities are also open 24 hrs.

4) Plan for the workout

If you have dinner meetings, try an early morning workout. Find a slot in your schedule that works and schedule your workout, or you may find that the day gets filled with activities. Even times where I push myself to change into workout clothes and drag myself to the gym. I’m always glad I went and feel better and sleep better afterwards.

5) Set up a dedicated travel workout kit with ultralight and fast drying items

I found some great workout clothes that are light to pack and take almost no room in my luggage. They can also be easily washed and will air dry overnight so I can use them for multiple workouts. I keep these in a packing cube which remains in my travel bag. I also include some workout gloves for resistance training, a hat for outdoor activities and a bathing suit. I usually travel in my running shoes, but you can also find light packable ones.

How and what to Pack

6) Shake up the exercises and be creative

Hotel gyms generally don’t have a squat rack but that hasn’t stopped me from doing body weight or dumbbell squats or other leg exercises. My husband has even squatted holding a suitcase over his head! Be creative! Go for a swim if there is a pool or explore a hiking or running trail in a new area. The hotel staff may have some good recommendations too.

7) Think outside of the box

I sometime do isometric exercises like planks, or resistance using door frames and walls. Try some body weight exercises like one legged squats, lunges or pushups. Bring a skipping rope, this takes very little room and makes for an excellent high intensity cardio workout that you can do just about anywhere. Just watch out for low ceilings and light fixtures! Also keep in mind that your fellow guests would appreciate you not trying this when your delayed flight gets in at 3am.

8) Turn everyday activities into a workout too

Skip the cab and walk, take the stairs instead of the lift/escalator or walk instead of taking the moving walkway. Do a walking tour instead of a motorized one where practical. Whether you plan for a dedicated exercise session or not, why not get into the habit of taking the healthy route!

Of course, sometimes vacation mode may also mean a vacation from exercise and I do believe that taking the occasional break. This can help the body recover and gets you to return with renewed enthusiasm. So, if it’s starting to feel like a grind and you need a break, don’t feel bad about occasionally leaving the exercise kit at home. Enjoy your holiday!

See our Packing List

By Nathalie

Avid Traveler and Master Scuba Diver
Sharing stories, photos and insights about the places I’ve visited. Simply sharing my experience and giving travel tips to help others plan their own dream trip and travel independently.

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