Scuba Diving

The Blue Wild Ocean Adventure Expo 2017

We attended the Blue Wild Ocean Adventure Expo this Saturday. It’s a yearly event held at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale and focuses on all kinds of water related activities. Free diving and spear fishing were most prominent but the show had a host of exhibitors with the latest gadgets, lionfish hunting, some […]

Scuba Diving

Diving the United Caribbean off Pompano Beach

Waters are gradually warming up here in South Florida, and the winds are finally calming down. This past Saturday Apr 1, 2017 we went out with Dixie Divers from Pompano to visit the United Caribbean Wreck. The United Caribbean is a 147-foot cargo ship, which was sunk in August of 2000 as part of Florida’s […]

Scuba Diving

Diving Captain Slate’s Creature Feature

Is an Eel capable of recognizing and even befriending a human diver? Today we dove the creature feature with Captain Slate and we must say that our impression is a definite yes.

Scuba Diving

Wintertime Diving in South Florida

Some mornings I feel like the weather is laughing at us as the winds pick-up and the seas get choppy. Especially when a North East wind appears, boating conditions deteriorate and our dive excursions get cancelled. Of course one must think of safety first and anyone that has tried to get on a boat ladder […]

Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving Break

Going scuba diving is like traveling to a foreign land, off the beaten path, where only a few lucky ones get to visit. There are approximately 6 million certified divers in the world, which represents less than 0.1% of the world’s population (7.4 billion).

Scuba Diving

Post Hurricane Diving – Hunting for Treasure

Hurricanes have a way to mess with people’s travel plans. They also stir-up the ocean floor hindering visibility for scuba divers. On the upside, they can also unearth buried treasure, shifting around wrecks and moving sand around at the oceans bottom perhaps exposing long lost treasures for someone to find. Not long ago, some divers found […]

Scuba Diving

South Florida Diving – Our New Backyard

Last week, my brother was visiting and as an avid diver himself we were keen to take him out to explore some the local dive spots. Unfortunately, we had a distant hurricane “Hermine” stirring up the ocean and wind and waves were bad enough to interfere with our plans.

Scuba Diving

The Lure of the Ocean…

Lately, we’ve been lucky to have the opportunity to go to Miami and South Florida regularly. We love the area and we seem to always have something new to discover. There are always things to do, a new restaurant to try, a new music venue, or a new beach to see. It’s hard to get tired […]

Scuba Diving

Manta Ray Night Dive, an Experience Not to Be Missed!

My husband and I have become passionate about scuba diving. We used to snorkel a lot but after we got our certifications for diving it opened up a new underwater world to us. Diving allows us to get a closer look at the beautiful sea creatures and to see them in action. It allows us to stay […]