While we generally travel only with carry-ons, when we are going on a scuba diving vacation we typically need a checked bag for our gear. We have come to know and love the curbside check-in counters offered by most airlines. Surprisingly, these are often less busy than the inside counters and there is just one line, not the myriad of options based on destination and tier of loyalty membership. We’ve found the skycap service to always be friendly and helpful. The staff will often come and help with getting the bag onto the scale and put it onto the conveyer belt for you.

Most airlines don’t have any fees for curbside check-in but tipping is encouraged. We’ve found that dropping our bag here is faster, simpler, and a great experience.
You’ll find the skycap porters outside the doors of the check-in counters (curbside) and if getting a lift to the airport you can drop your bags and pick-up your boarding passes at these counters allowing you to just go straight to the security line.