Trip Ideas

Visiting Newport’s Gilded Age Mansions

A while back, when exploring some of our local Miami area mansions such as Vizcaya, the Deering Estate, and the Flagler Museum, a reader suggested we visit the Gilded Age mansions in Newport, Rhode Island. We finally managed to fit in a mini vacation to see these wonderful historic homes.

Trip Ideas

A Day in Hartford, Connecticut

On our way back from Rhode Island we were expecting to fly home from Hartford. Our airline had other plans for us and cancelled our flight. In the end, we decided to make lemonade out of the lemons we were dealt and decided to enjoy our day in Hartford.


Springtime in Connecticut

One of the things we miss about living in Montreal are the four seasons. In particular, spring with all its new flowers and new life was one of our favorites. After a long winter, just the idea of being outside without a jacket (or even being outside without shivering) was like a dream come true.