- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Hawaii
- Florida
- Georgia
- Nevada
- New England
- New York
- Seattle
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington DC
Our new home…
This vast country stretches from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Ocean. The southernmost state is Hawaii, which is, located 2390 mile off the mainland in the Pacific Ocean. But the southernmost point of the Continental United States is Key West in Florida.
The northernmost state is Alaska with its beautiful glaciers.

The United States has a lot to offer with something for everyone. From its bustling cosmopolitan cities like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles, to isolated nature scenes such as desserts, high mountain peaks, and deep canyons. There is a wide array of cultural activities as well as many sports activities ranging from hiking, biking, swimming, fishing, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, you name it! Beautiful beaches can be found along the coasts, albeit the frigid water in the north isn’t suitable for swimming most of the year with the exception of the summer months.
Suggested Road Trip: